Jim and Rhoda Morris Resume

9 Morningside Rd. Wakefield Ma. 01880 Tel: 781 245 2897


  Wheatstone & Cooke Telegraph Equipment:  (Click on thumbnail images to see enlarged images.)

 Below are excerpts from the 1840 patent issued to Wheatstone and Cooke. It includes a drawing of their novel sending device.  We also include a page from the King's College web site, for further reference such as the operation of one of their telegraph units, etc.

This is followed by a collection of  pictures of our own early dial telegraph devices, several of which  have a high probability of being part of Wheatstone and Cooke's original development equipment from King's College London, "KCL". 






The patent drawing of the abc  message sender:



The figure below has been copied from The King's College web page. It gives a description of a more advanced version of the abc telegraph and how the apparatus works:



The following pictures are telegraph units from our own collection:

The first five are detailed pictures of our ABC Wheatstone-Cooke sending unit taken from different perspectives:

This first picture is the top operating view. The diameter of the wood base is about 9 3/4 inches. The alphabet and numbers are printed on paper mounted on a thin metal plate holding the spikes used to rotate the disc to the desired letter or number.  The bottom thicker brass plate of the sandwich has the contact tabs on the perimeter. (Note that all but one of the insulator tabs are missing.)  The photo also shows the central brass post marking the letter or number chosen and sitting between the two electrical contact terminals.  "KCL",  Kings College London, is stamped on the wood base. 



Top view:




Side view:




Three major  components of the ABC telegraph sender: the ABC wheel, the brass plate with the contact tabs on the perimeter. and the wood base containing the electrical contact terminals.



Below: Underside view showing stickers suggesting a bit of this instrument's travel history. Also the  unit has the KCL inventory signature stamp for King's College London:



 Below are some key instruments in our modest Wheatstone collection of telegraph memorabilia which we are offering for  sale or rent.



James and Rhoda Morris 11-06-2014
Click Here  to View our main website,  its links to a  large number of
original and replica famous scientific instruments and laboratory setups
 that we have furnished  to major museums and movies around the world.


All photos and written material are by Jim & Rhoda Morris unless noted otherwise. Free personal and educational use and reproduction is encouraged--- Acknowledgment is appreciated; all commercial rights are reserved